A discussion about the importance of love in our lives.
Read MoreCategory: Love
Inertia and the Forces of Change
Although change is the only acknowledged constant in the universe, inertia can be described as the tendency of whatever exists to continue or be repeated as it is. In other words, from moment-to-moment, that which exists will, for all practical purposes, appear to be unchanged. It is reassuring to know that the appearance does not represent the truth of the matter. All that exists is always different than…
Read MoreThe False 'Seed Thought' of 'The Protocols' of Zion
My most recent posts may appear to some as diatribes, especially when they include the suggestion to take a closer look at The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion which has been branded an anti-Semitic forgery. Anti-Semitism is to Jews what racism is to some black people. In the final analysis, they are both just words. However, if the heat of honesty and truth gets…
Read More'Hiding' As Plain Sight: The Assault on the Human Mind
I started this article several weeks ago, after U.S.-aligned (and probably urged) Turkey shot down a Russian jet that was obliterating ISIS targets that the U.S. has asserted was our “enemy.” This was also before more senseless domestic shootings, in Colorado Springs, and San Bernadino, California. In the interim, I traveled to Mexico for 10 days, to explore and open channels for our line of…
Read MoreLife v. the Unrequitable Lure of Materialism
THE LIFE PRINCIPLE For centuries man has been searching for the life principle in germs of matter. He might as well cast his nets into the sea to search for oxygen. There is no life in matter, nor is there death, for matter is but motion. Motion begins and ends, to begin again, but life is immortal. It has no…
Read MoreThe 'Physics' of God Explained
We assign the word, (the vibration) “learning” to refer to that which we have come to accept as “true.” What we learn, meaning that which has been recorded ~ consciously and unconsciously ~ into an area in consciousness, involves every aspect of life, both as we know it, and more fundamentally, as we live it. I lay these thoughts out as a simple…
Read MoreA Priceless Course in Cosmic Consciousness
At this moment I am working my way through A Course in Cosmic Consciousness, by Walter and Lao Russell. Originally published in 1950, and revised to its current form in 2001, the Course is comprised of 12 Units with 48 lessons, and is spread over 520 pages. I highly recommend this extraordinary treatise. If ever there were a publication that could help…
Read MoreGiant Rock, Truth, and the Big Picture of 'You'
On my way back from Ontario, California to Phoenix this week I took a side trip to Giant Rock, in Landers. It’s out in the middle of nowhere, somewhat like the Sun Tunnels that I visited last month in Utah, but different). Giant Rock was made famous by George Van Tassel (1910-1978), author of I Rode a Flying Saucer (1952), The Council of Seven…
Read MoreA Post of Few Words
This weekend I’m in California on a “secret mission” that I’ll discuss as it unfolds. I’ll let the graphics above do the talking for now. Click on it and read a higher resolution version. I’d also like to remind all that the trial of UNITED STATES OF AMERICA V. LOUIS DANIEL SMITH, a “showdown” that is far more important to each…
Read MoreExpanding Our Ability to See the Hidden World Influencers
The events that are unfolding in Baltimore, Maryland, characterized by many as riots, are in my opinion, a positive sign that life and love yet exists in America, and that the American spirit hasn’t, in spite of some major efforts, been distracted, drugged, or anesthetized into a quiet sleep or coma. Compartmentalization pressure has been so severe that pundits and critics alike will view…
Read MoreWhat Makes a Race 'Advanced'?
I used to think that having the knowledge and technology to travel through the heavens would mean that we had become a “more advanced” humanity than we have been, or are today. However, with our present set of customs and norms, it is reasonable to question if the words “intelligent” or “advanced,” with respect to humanity, apply at all. Some may hold the view that some members of…
Read MoreNotes from the Stillness
It is sheer barbarism to vaccinate newborn babies, period. Having said that, it’s simply inane to vaccinate anyone else. Nothing that is included in a vaccine’s list of ingredients is of benefit to the recipient. No-thing whatsoever. “Benefit” only extends to the corporations that arranged sweetheart deals with politicians and/or government agencies to provide product (complete with preservatives to maintain shelf life)…
Read MoreThe 'Wages of Fear' vs. Power of Love
I started this post on Monday, and then the week started. Before the day was done, I had hit the road again; destination, Thousand Palms, California, near Palm Springs, where I was invited to meet Marko Rodin, father of Vortex Based Mathematics, and shoot some video. Now that I am home again, I’ll complete my prior thoughts. The trial of UNITED STATES…
Read MoreBeyond MMS: The DoJ v. Daniel Smith is NOT Just Another Product Trial
Fasten your seat belts, we’ll be traveling vast distances on this one. There was a hearing yesterday in Spokane involving the Department of Justice case against LOUIS DANIEL SMITH for his role in marketing the product known as MMS (or Miracle Mineral Supplement). He was granted permission to jettison his previous “just in case” attorney and select a new one. The trial is presently…
Read More'Ownership' in 'The New Day'
Whether you’re new to this forum, or have been on this journey into quantum possibility with me for years (you know who you are), I want to wish you an amazing New Year. I’m sure it will be just that, because you are an amazing being. This is especially true if you have chosen to be amazing. I didn’t say proclaim…
Read MoreHealing Self in Times of Geopolitical Pyromania
If there were more love, and less conditionality, we would have healthier relationships, and be healthier people.
Read MoreEvery Day is Judgment Day
I am loving The Healing Code: 6 Minutes to Heal the Source of Your Health, Success, or Relationship Issue. I heartily recommend the book. At present, I do the protocol an average of twice daily, sometimes three times, as the author, Alex Loyd suggests. Time will tell what happens physiologically, but several changes have occurred and are occurring, which I will write about soon. In spite…
Read MoreThe Healing Code: Part I
A week ago I received a letter from a reader, strongly suggesting that I take a serious look at a book titled, The Healing Code: 6 Minutes to Heal the Source of Your Health, Success, or Relationship Issue, by Alexander Loyd, Ph.D., ND, with Ben Johnson, MD, DO, and NMD. I don’t know what specifically prompted him, but he knew that (1) the…
Read MoreA Manifesto of 'One'
Increasingly, I am realizing that power and value exists in thoughts and ideas, and that said power and value are easiest to overlook or dismiss. Ideas, represent compounds or collections of thoughts, in much the same way as a molecule is comprised of a number of atoms organized in a specific way. The ideas represented in my book, I Am My Body, NOT!,…
Read MoreActors on the Stages of Life
‘To Be’ From the Core of Love I am grateful to all who sent birthday wishes Wednesday. At this stage of life, the birthday feeling begins three days before and ends three days after, lasting for the week, and centered on the day itself (in my case, 11/19). In time, I’ll expand my birthday season to include the zodiac (Scorpio) just…
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