My first Saturday Night ThoughtFest experience was quickly overshadowed by the next act of insanity in Florida, when a gunman (or gunmen) engaged in the latest WMD, or “weapon of mast distraction”. The media calls this a terrorist event, and it was. However, the assertion that the perpetrator(s) was or were “inspired by ISIS” doesn’t ring true. What rings true to me…
Read MoreCategory: New World Order
Money and Competition: A Dysfunction Duo
I want to thank those who have responded to my call for fiscal Samaritans. I have talked to some and gained an appreciation for how the work I’ve done has touched their lives. Or to put it differently, how they have enriched their own lives on the strength of choices they made after receiving information that I delivered. The donations and purchases…
Read MoreThe Cause of All Disease: A New Theory of Pathogenesis
I am not the first to see what you are about to read, but to my knowledge the following idea that we will cover has rarely been articulated. It has to do with pathogenesis: the true cause of diseases. Real scientists have looked for, and in some cases, found “cures,” but have not really been clear on actual causes. In hindsight, it is easy to…
Read MoreThe False 'Seed Thought' of 'The Protocols' of Zion
My most recent posts may appear to some as diatribes, especially when they include the suggestion to take a closer look at The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion which has been branded an anti-Semitic forgery. Anti-Semitism is to Jews what racism is to some black people. In the final analysis, they are both just words. However, if the heat of honesty and truth gets…
Read More'The Protocols' of Truth
As it presently stands, the Federal Government does not represent We the People of the United States. It is a corporation operating as a government agency, whose current apparent “strength” is its “military might,” meaning its ability to represent its clients’ interests with, and by force. That was the big bragging point in Barack Obama’s State of the Union address for 2016. Use…
Read MoreNo More 'Lesser of Two Evils' Elections
I watched the most recent shoutfest (a.k.a. “debate” 2/25/2016) among the Republican presidential candidates (with the exception of Ben Carson who complained that no one was allowing him time to comment). Of the people who were speaking, the most credible and desirable to me, was Donald Trump. That’s not saying much. Donald Trump could be a savior, not for the American people, but…
Read More'Hiding' As Plain Sight: The Assault on the Human Mind
I started this article several weeks ago, after U.S.-aligned (and probably urged) Turkey shot down a Russian jet that was obliterating ISIS targets that the U.S. has asserted was our “enemy.” This was also before more senseless domestic shootings, in Colorado Springs, and San Bernadino, California. In the interim, I traveled to Mexico for 10 days, to explore and open channels for our line of…
Read MoreThe Forgotten Players of War
On this day of remembrance, I took some liberties with someone’s Veteran’s Day poster to create this graphic. To be sure, the numbers of casualties, disease, destruction, and deaths caused by warfare significantly dwarfs the number of liars and lies told that caused the conflicts in the first place. Therefore, giving some attention to the instigators, fabricators, and prevaricators, should be easy.…
Read MoreAn Elegy for Daniel Smith
The following passage is from Walter Russell’s The Secret of Light: MAN’S NEW CYCLE The coming age will mark an epochal advancement in man’s evolution toward his goal of omniscience and omnipotence. Man becomes a higher being with greater power as he acquires knowledge. In knowledge alone lies power. Only through knowledge can man become co-creator with God. Knowledge can be obtained…
Read MoreInstitutionalized Medical Malfeasence and the Chlorine Dioxide Coup d'état
Virtually every “public” or “corporate” policy or orthodoxy is based on assumptions and “facts” that are partial truths, at best, or are outright false. We see it time and time again. We are not a house divided, our “house” has reversed polarity. “Up” is “down”. Even self-righteous, religious “morality” is designed to keep what is most important in life at…
Read MoreGiant Rock, Truth, and the Big Picture of 'You'
On my way back from Ontario, California to Phoenix this week I took a side trip to Giant Rock, in Landers. It’s out in the middle of nowhere, somewhat like the Sun Tunnels that I visited last month in Utah, but different). Giant Rock was made famous by George Van Tassel (1910-1978), author of I Rode a Flying Saucer (1952), The Council of Seven…
Read MoreRace Wars, False Flags and the Bigger Picture
Dylan Roof is the latest PSYOP instrument intended to take America’s mind off important matters that call for unitedness, to be mired in contrived divisiveness.
Read MoreMMS Verdict: "Justice" Blind to Impartiality and Truth
As many of you know, Daniel Smith was found “guilty” of 5 out of 6 charges brought by the Justice Department for selling the product known as “MMS.” Here is the link to the News Release that they issued a few days ago. (Click here.) It’s really difficult to read the allegations that were so purposefully fabricated and diligently pursued in…
Read MoreExpanding Our Ability to See the Hidden World Influencers
The events that are unfolding in Baltimore, Maryland, characterized by many as riots, are in my opinion, a positive sign that life and love yet exists in America, and that the American spirit hasn’t, in spite of some major efforts, been distracted, drugged, or anesthetized into a quiet sleep or coma. Compartmentalization pressure has been so severe that pundits and critics alike will view…
Read MoreWhat Makes a Race 'Advanced'?
I used to think that having the knowledge and technology to travel through the heavens would mean that we had become a “more advanced” humanity than we have been, or are today. However, with our present set of customs and norms, it is reasonable to question if the words “intelligent” or “advanced,” with respect to humanity, apply at all. Some may hold the view that some members of…
Read MoreWho Killed Jesus is More Relevant than "Who He Died For"
Not too many years ago I would have acknowledged the solemn tribute that millions of people make each year on the “triumphant” day that is called Easter, which celebrates the supposed resurrection of Jesus Christ who, we have been told and admonished to believe, “died for our sins.” Now, I acknowledge the truth-loving, and truth-being spirit that is active in every human each day, as…
Read MoreVaccine Politics, Indigos and Normal Sensory Perception
A Unseen Agenda Exposed I would like to pose a very rational question. It’s so rational, it’s a wonder why mainstream medicine, government policy makers, or functionaries in the education system haven’t asked it. It’s so very, very rational that, in their not asking and seriously considering this question, you have to wonder whether their actions, and the effects that we, The People, are witnessing…
Read MoreA Practical Guide to 'Going Within'
Each time I sit to write, it is with a desire and intention to convey thoughts that would be of most lasting value to the reader, any reader, without exception, agree or disagree, whether the ideas expressed are read today, or long after I have left this apparently chaotic world. It is now apparent that the chaos we see and are often appalled…
Read MoreBeyond MMS: The DoJ v. Daniel Smith is NOT Just Another Product Trial
Fasten your seat belts, we’ll be traveling vast distances on this one. There was a hearing yesterday in Spokane involving the Department of Justice case against LOUIS DANIEL SMITH for his role in marketing the product known as MMS (or Miracle Mineral Supplement). He was granted permission to jettison his previous “just in case” attorney and select a new one. The trial is presently…
Read MoreMMS Case: The 'Inconvenient' Factor of Truth
Would evidence of intent to defraud the public on the FDA’s part be relevant to you?
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