Change Your ‘Crypto Life’ with Beurax

All the talk of pandemics, stolen elections, “maskonomics”, and injection of strange materials have likely delegated bitcoin’s rise above $50,000 ($56,000 at this moment) to “Page 3” in the news index. More people may react to Kim Kardasian filing for divorce from Kanye West than consider what these cryptophenomena might mean to them. The cryptosphere has been, after all, rather…

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COVID-19: The Roots of Mis-Leadership

This is my second COVID-19 video commentary (of three). It doesn’t matter if COVID-19 is “live” or not, manufactured or not. NONE of the remedies that are being proffered by the “coronagentia” will actually help change humanity’s downward spiral further into the hell hole of more chronic and degenerative disease, by ANY name. Whatever you call it, I think we…

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The COVID-19 SCAM is a Crime Against Humanity

I started this post several weeks ago. In fact, I have produced not one, but three videos on this subject. Most people are jumping on the opportunity to sell products by the fears that have been triggered by the COVID-19 Operation. However, decisions made in, or through fear leave better choices unsought, examined, and undiscovered, as well as knowledge ungained.…

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COVID-19 Counter-Errorism

For very logical reasons, we have standardized on practices that have created an unnatural and sub-standard quality of life. In error, we have called it the very best that is possible, and must fight to defend and maintain it. For very logical reasons, we have standardized on practices that have created an unnatural and sub-standard quality of life. In error, we have called it the very best that is possible, and must fight to defend and maintain it. For very logical reasons, we have standardized on practices that have created an unnatural and sub-standard quality of life. In error, we have called it the very best that is possible, and must fight to defend and maintain it. For very logical reasons, we have standardized on practices that have created an unnatural and sub-standard quality of life. In error, we have called it the very best that is possible, and must fight to defend and maintain it.

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Chlorine Dioxide DisInfo Compaign Began Ten Years Before COVID-19

Shows the chemical differences between MMS and "bleach".

Coronavirus or COVID-19 Fever has stormed across the U.S and the world. Not because the virus itself is a big threat, but because its apparent “danger” has been hyperinflated. A national emergency has been declared, and new terms, such as “self isolation,” have been introduced to the lexicon as an appropriate response. A prime example of a house divided, and…

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Make Elections Meaningful Again (MEMA)

The race to determine who will be chosen in 2020 to serve as President is well under way. As things presently stand, the American People, and hence, the world, are in the fast lane to being short-changed again. Among the cacophony of sound bytes, talking points, and platform positions, a crucial voice that should otherwise be driving the discourse, remains…

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‘Dividable’ Americans, Not Trump, Are America’s Greater Weakness

It has been quite the new beginning for 2017. Now let us get accustomed to what seemed like the most unlikely of outcomes; i.e., the election of Donald J. Trump as president of United States of America Corporation, who managed to make it through the inauguration. Perhaps it was never in doubt, but it sure seemed that way. I am…

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Election Season: Time to Start Speaking Up

The Clinton Trump Show is set to come to a head soon and, it will be what it will be. For all the concerns that you hear from politicians during an campaign race about “jobs,” it is rarely considered that, for the most part, those “jobs” will be of little interest to most employees. “Jobs” is the word that politicians use to create a Pavlovianesque salivation response, which suggests that the masses have little in the way of resourcefulness to find or create their own jobs. This notion has evolved, in part, through educational entrainment, early in life, to pursue employability, so as to earn someone’s favor who will pay you money for your favors (i.e., skills). Money is deemed, without question, the way to establish one’s value, both to self, and to society. It is a false notion, and one way that we lose connection to our heart and soul.

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Principle-based Elections: A Makable Change

After watching the third presidential debate and the “roast” fundraiser the following night in New York where Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton were featured speakers, it first occurred to me that the best action the American People can take at this time is refuse to vote for either Democrat or Republican candidate.

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The Debate and Election Debacle of 2016 Continues

The Debate and Election Debacle of 2016 Continues

The Debate and Election Debacle of 2016 Continues Speculations and debates about who “won” the vice presidential standoff between Senator Tim Kaine and Gov.Mike Pence last week overlooks the largest “loser” in the equation: namely, the People of both the United States, and the world. After watching the vice presidential “debate” on October 4, the salient question might be, which of these men would you…

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U.S. Politics: It’s a Sham Shame

It is a pleasure to be at a “normal” keyboard again. For any who have wondered, after being unable to raise sufficient funds to climb out of arrears in the place where I resided for 11 years, I accepted and cooperated with my landlord to vacate the premises via an eviction process. Of our belongings that weren’t given away or…

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The Cause of All Disease: A New Theory of Pathogenesis

The Cause of All Disease: A New Theory of Pathogenesis

I am not the first to see what you are about to read, but to my knowledge the following idea that we will cover has rarely been articulated. It has to do with pathogenesis: the true cause of diseases. Real scientists have looked for, and in some cases, found “cures,” but have not really been clear on actual causes. In hindsight, it is easy to…

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'The Protocols' of Truth

As it presently stands, the Federal Government does not represent We the People of the United States. It is a corporation operating as a government agency, whose current apparent “strength” is its “military might,” meaning its ability to represent its clients’ interests with, and by force. That was the big bragging point in Barack Obama’s State of the Union address for 2016. Use…

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No More 'Lesser of Two Evils' Elections

I watched the most recent shoutfest (a.k.a. “debate” 2/25/2016) among the Republican presidential candidates (with the exception of Ben Carson who complained that no one was allowing him time to comment). Of the people who were speaking, the most credible and desirable to me, was Donald Trump. That’s not saying much. Donald Trump could be a savior, not for the American people, but…

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Saying 'Good-bye' to Insane Social Doodoo

To go through life on Earth, each one of us steps into a reality that, from first breath to last, is designed to capture, influence, and thereby mold the psyche — which is another word for consciousness or life essence — for the benefit and advantage of someone other than you or me. As a consequence of many apparent, but false “truths,” we are in deep…

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