It is a pleasure to be at a “normal” keyboard again. For any who have wondered, after being unable to raise sufficient funds to climb out of arrears in the place where I resided for 11 years, I accepted and cooperated with my landlord to vacate the premises via an eviction process. Of our belongings that weren’t given away or…
Read MoreTag: Belief
Saturday Night ThoughtFest Debut
How about this for little notice or planning? If you have nothing better to do, please join me in some realtime interaction tonight (for me), 8-11pm PST, when I host my first Saturday Night Thoughtfest on Google Hangouts. You can watch it on YouTube. The recent (and current) issues that I have been experiencing have crystallized a number of subjects that affect…
Read MoreInertia and the Forces of Change
Although change is the only acknowledged constant in the universe, inertia can be described as the tendency of whatever exists to continue or be repeated as it is. In other words, from moment-to-moment, that which exists will, for all practical purposes, appear to be unchanged. It is reassuring to know that the appearance does not represent the truth of the matter. All that exists is always different than…
Read MoreThe False 'Seed Thought' of 'The Protocols' of Zion
My most recent posts may appear to some as diatribes, especially when they include the suggestion to take a closer look at The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion which has been branded an anti-Semitic forgery. Anti-Semitism is to Jews what racism is to some black people. In the final analysis, they are both just words. However, if the heat of honesty and truth gets…
Read MoreSaying 'Good-bye' to Insane Social Doodoo
To go through life on Earth, each one of us steps into a reality that, from first breath to last, is designed to capture, influence, and thereby mold the psyche — which is another word for consciousness or life essence — for the benefit and advantage of someone other than you or me. As a consequence of many apparent, but false “truths,” we are in deep…
Read More'Hiding' As Plain Sight: The Assault on the Human Mind
I started this article several weeks ago, after U.S.-aligned (and probably urged) Turkey shot down a Russian jet that was obliterating ISIS targets that the U.S. has asserted was our “enemy.” This was also before more senseless domestic shootings, in Colorado Springs, and San Bernadino, California. In the interim, I traveled to Mexico for 10 days, to explore and open channels for our line of…
Read MoreLife v. the Unrequitable Lure of Materialism
THE LIFE PRINCIPLE For centuries man has been searching for the life principle in germs of matter. He might as well cast his nets into the sea to search for oxygen. There is no life in matter, nor is there death, for matter is but motion. Motion begins and ends, to begin again, but life is immortal. It has no…
Read MoreVaccine Politics, Indigos and Normal Sensory Perception
A Unseen Agenda Exposed I would like to pose a very rational question. It’s so rational, it’s a wonder why mainstream medicine, government policy makers, or functionaries in the education system haven’t asked it. It’s so very, very rational that, in their not asking and seriously considering this question, you have to wonder whether their actions, and the effects that we, The People, are witnessing…
Read MoreThe Journey Home is the Journey to Love
A lot of attention is being directed toward, among other things, a major “reset” of the global financial system. It is long overdue. The mysterious deaths of bankers around the world, largely under-reported by mainstream media, are not by happenstance. There remains a belief in some areas, that “dead men tell no tales.” That is another “truth” that will soon…
Read More‘False Idols’ Among Us: The Gun
Another New Year is upon us. Let me add my voice to the chorus of well wishes for a more joyful, prosperous, harmonious, healthy, and enlightening era, from here on. There are many things that you and I can do to ensure it. For this entry I wanted to delve further into the subject of false idols, for there are…
Read MoreOn Healing, False Idols, and the Love Within
Happiest of Holidays to everyone. The image above, one of many that we took on a postcard day at Crater Lake, Oregon, is just one of a multitude of wonderful impressions that have graced my consciousness as memories from 2013, which for me, has been the Year of the Road Trip. It’s been two weeks since I returned home from…
Read MoreWelcome to ‘The Door’… Are You Ready to Enter?
Wherever I go, books are a constant companion. Over the past few years, I’ve read many titles that have contributed to my own evolving self-view. I cannot, however, recall a single title that moved me, not only to recommend it, but to sit down and read it while recording, and then share it with anyone who cares about self-discovery. The…
Read MoreEmbracing the Miracle Power Within
Perhaps you’ve noticed, but I’ve been grossly silent for some time. With so much to comment on, I’ve said nada. I started a few blog entries but didn’t finish them. On the other hand, part of me knew that my “perspective” was/is, in fact, communicated, not only to you who do subscribe to this information resource, but to ALL, located…
Read MoreBeyond Measure: The Real Value of Value
The general theme of the Thanksgiving holiday is to express gratitude for what you have, a fitting impulse for a culture that places such value on things. However, our material focus becomes problematic when it comes to figuring out how to treat the priceless amongst us. “What is priceless?” is not the question to consider. The question is who. The…
Read MoreThe Inner Universe: ‘Most Relevant Frontier’
While we focus our attentions here on the inner world, much is going on in the world around us involving subjects that are of great interest and importance. Yet, as much as I’d love to call your attention to these subjects, such as the “reboot” of the financial system with its associated resignations and mass arrests, the major deception that…
Read MoreEnergy, Consciousness, and ‘Who We Are’
Energy is almost the most pervasive influence on life as we currently know it, because everything that we know and recognize as part of life is formed, by and comprised of energy. Particle and wave, frequency and vibration, calorie, BTU, and photon, and more, are all descriptions of energy. In spite of its virtual ubiquity, there is much about energy…
Read MoreFinding the Deeper Meaning in “Ex” istence
While waiting for Book III of Arcady Petrov’s Creation of the Universe trilogy to become available in English (I check for the new arrival at least twice weekly, or as often as I think of it), my reading interests have taken me in directions other than re-reading Books I and II. The first was David Wilcock’s The Source Field…
Read MoreThe Trans-human Agenda: A Natural Alternative
Recently I watched a video presentation on YouTube by Sofia Smallstorm on synthetic biology, chemtrails, the materials that comprise them, and the potential implications. [youtube=] Her talk was titled, “From Chemtrails to Pseudolife”. As she went, on an entire scenario of thinking unfolded, which included the death of trees and the introduction of a GMO “solution,” aluminum resistant plants, the growing phenomenon…
Read MoreOn Matters of Spiraling and Choice
I’m almost half-way through Save the World Within You, the second part of Arcady Petrov’s trilogy, Creation of the Universe. The book reads like an epic religious tale, and perhaps more importantly, seems deeply entrenched in the foundations of duality, i.e., heroes and villains, good and evil, heaven and hell, and an interplay between divine and demonic forces. Inside the…
Read MoreApple's Brightest Light Dimmed
As I took photos of just my second Apple product ever, a tiny iPod Nano that has become part of my vision for a new concept in healing and well-being modalities (more on that soon), the announcement was broadcast on my car radio that Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple Computer Inc., had passed away at a brief 56 times around…
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