This COVID-19 operation ~ as in a psychological war against humanity ~ is not even possible if we don’t have a pre-existing misconception of the power of “germs” to do grave harm.
Read MoreTag: Healing
My Thoughts After A Fast
I returned among the eaters of the world yesterday, completing a water/juice fast that lasted 8 days. Prior to the decision, my tummy had taken on proportions in a “growth trend” that I did not want to continue supporting. Happily, there has been a rollback. We have a vortex generator on the water line under our little house to *re-enliven*…
Read MoreCreation, Nature, God, Life: No Difference
This commentary began its life as a post on Facebook, but in bringing it to this medium much has been added. Working through my first year (two-plus seasons ~ fall, winter, and spring) in the Pacific Northwest, I am literally *awed* by Nature: its beauty, intelligence, power and grace. It is humbling to see how *little* this great Gift is…
Read MoreSaturday Night ThoughtFest Debut
How about this for little notice or planning? If you have nothing better to do, please join me in some realtime interaction tonight (for me), 8-11pm PST, when I host my first Saturday Night Thoughtfest on Google Hangouts. You can watch it on YouTube. The recent (and current) issues that I have been experiencing have crystallized a number of subjects that affect…
Read MoreInertia and the Forces of Change
Although change is the only acknowledged constant in the universe, inertia can be described as the tendency of whatever exists to continue or be repeated as it is. In other words, from moment-to-moment, that which exists will, for all practical purposes, appear to be unchanged. It is reassuring to know that the appearance does not represent the truth of the matter. All that exists is always different than…
Read MoreThe Amazing Promise of Balance
My most recent blog post presents as a theory or thesis, an idea that in time will be seen by all as a blatant fact. Some may even wonder how we could have been duped for so long. Until that time, We the People give tacit consent to our own unnatural and unnecessary downward spiral via widespread voluntary and involuntary chemical dosing. All the talk…
Read MoreAn American 'in Justice': A Message From Daniel Smith
Occasionally, I am asked questions about the product referred to as the “Miracle Mineral Supplement” (evolved to “Master Mineral Solution”) or “MMS”. The product is a specific solution of sodium chlorite (NaClO2) that is “activated” using a light acid. In the beginning, it was lemon or lime juice, even vinegar. Over time the acid of choice changed to a specific strength…
Read MoreGlobal Mindwashing and the Return to Balance
The greatest deception associated with these tactics is the blame that is laid on the “bug”, be it virus, bacteria, or “pathogen” by any name, as cause.
Read MoreThe Healing Code: Part II
I finished reading The Healing Code: 6 Minutes to Heal the Source of Your Health, Success, or Relationship Issue, by Alex Loyd, PhD, N.D., and Ben Johnson, M.D., D.O., N.M.D. While Part II is much shorter than Part I, it enables you to put this amazing information resource to use in your own life. I make a point to include all…
Read MoreThe Healing Code: Part I
A week ago I received a letter from a reader, strongly suggesting that I take a serious look at a book titled, The Healing Code: 6 Minutes to Heal the Source of Your Health, Success, or Relationship Issue, by Alexander Loyd, Ph.D., ND, with Ben Johnson, MD, DO, and NMD. I don’t know what specifically prompted him, but he knew that (1) the…
Read MoreActors on the Stages of Life
‘To Be’ From the Core of Love I am grateful to all who sent birthday wishes Wednesday. At this stage of life, the birthday feeling begins three days before and ends three days after, lasting for the week, and centered on the day itself (in my case, 11/19). In time, I’ll expand my birthday season to include the zodiac (Scorpio) just…
Read MoreFashion Ideas for the MMS Trial
I want to thank those of you who clicked the donation button to help me attend the “MMS Referendum” in Spokane, which I’ve relocated to help it be easier to find. We have a good ways to go yet, but every contribution is most appreciated. Let me also clarify for anyone new to this subject; “MMS” has, for quite some time, officially been referred to as the Master Mineral…
Read More‘False Idols’ Among Us: The Gun
Another New Year is upon us. Let me add my voice to the chorus of well wishes for a more joyful, prosperous, harmonious, healthy, and enlightening era, from here on. There are many things that you and I can do to ensure it. For this entry I wanted to delve further into the subject of false idols, for there are…
Read MoreOn Healing, False Idols, and the Love Within
Happiest of Holidays to everyone. The image above, one of many that we took on a postcard day at Crater Lake, Oregon, is just one of a multitude of wonderful impressions that have graced my consciousness as memories from 2013, which for me, has been the Year of the Road Trip. It’s been two weeks since I returned home from…
Read MoreAwareness, ‘The Idea’ and ‘The Journey’
NASHVILLE, TN – Nothing like your birthday to share what’s on your mind. It doesn’t have to make total sense, or even be related. Well, that’s my story and I’m sticking to it! I’ve been in the Music City two weeks already, and on the road for six weeks, on what may turn out to be The Journey of my…
Read MoreMMS: A Break in the Silence
I haven’t had much to say about Jim Humble’s “Miracle Mineral Supplement” or MMS in quite some time. The documentary that I produced on the subject was pirated, chopped up and placed on YouTube a few years ago by someone who felt it more important that the information get out to the world than that I earn an income for…
Read MoreHeal the Planet, Heal Myself
I’m sprinkling this article with a few of the images that I captured on our road trip through California, Oregon, and Washington. I hope you enjoy them. – – – It’s been a week since we returned home after our 21-day road trip. So much to share, or perhaps so much that could be shared. The question that comes up…
Read MoreEmbracing the Miracle Power Within
Perhaps you’ve noticed, but I’ve been grossly silent for some time. With so much to comment on, I’ve said nada. I started a few blog entries but didn’t finish them. On the other hand, part of me knew that my “perspective” was/is, in fact, communicated, not only to you who do subscribe to this information resource, but to ALL, located…
Read MoreDawn of a 'Peece' Movement
This is the longest article I’ve ever written, just so you know. I always want to be clear as possible, but never more so than now. Let it be known on this day, of my official withdrawal from the “Miracle Mineral Supplement/Solution” a.k.a. “MMS” conversation. While I am grateful for what I have learned and the many amazing people I’ve…
Read MoreShall We Open Nature's Divine Golden Gift?
Source: via egle on Pinterest In this time of gift giving and receiving, it is fitting that I share these thoughts of what I now see as a Gift of, and from Nature, that for obvious and not-so-obvious reasons, humanity has turned its back on, for which we are paying a great, unnecessary price. In recent articles I have…
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