Work, Value and a New Financial Paradigm

I have been, and am, rediscovering and enjoying my own voice, the value that comes through it, and my desire to share. Some of what you’ll see from here on was written years prior, and some will be as it is received. The desire then, as it is now, is that each discovers the power within, and exercise it with…

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Saturday Night ThoughtFest Debut

How about this for little notice or planning? If you have nothing better to do, please join me in some realtime interaction tonight (for me), 8-11pm PST, when I host my first Saturday Night Thoughtfest on Google Hangouts. You can watch it on YouTube. The recent (and current) issues that I have been experiencing have crystallized a number of subjects that affect…

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Seeing Truth in a 'Lie-able' Reality

POST FALLS, ID — Time only seems to stand still at times. At other times it seems to fly. It has done both over the past few weeks, as I am, and have been on another road trip. Much is going on in the world, but I wouldn’t be able to tell you much about it. It’s not that I’ve been…

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Say Hello to “the Stupor Bowl”

It’s Stupor Bowl Sunday… wait; did I call it “Stupor Bowl”? Oh, I mean Super Bowl Sunday, the forty-eighth time the “big game” has been staged. I’m sorry if I sound a bit cynical, although it is definitely intentional. However, the cynicism isn’t directed specifically at the football game being held today in New Jersey, which I will watch. It…

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Beyond Measure: The Real Value of Value

The general theme of the Thanksgiving holiday is to express gratitude for what you have, a fitting impulse for a culture that places such value on things. However, our material focus becomes problematic when it comes to figuring out how to treat the priceless amongst us. “What is priceless?” is not the question to consider. The question is who. The…

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Finding the Deeper Meaning in “Ex” istence

While waiting for Book III of Arcady Petrov’s Creation of the Universe trilogy to become available in English (I check for the new arrival at least twice weekly, or as often as I think of it), my reading interests have taken me in directions other than re-reading Books I and II. The first was David Wilcock’s The Source Field…

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The Trans-human Agenda: A Natural Alternative

Recently I watched a video presentation on YouTube by Sofia Smallstorm on synthetic biology, chemtrails, the materials that comprise them, and the potential implications. [youtube=] Her talk was titled, “From Chemtrails to Pseudolife”. As she went, on an entire scenario of thinking unfolded, which included the death of trees and the introduction of a GMO “solution,” aluminum resistant plants, the growing phenomenon…

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On Matters of Spiraling and Choice

I’m almost half-way through Save the World Within You, the second part of Arcady Petrov’s trilogy, Creation of the Universe. The book reads like an epic religious tale, and perhaps more importantly, seems deeply entrenched in the foundations of duality, i.e., heroes and villains, good and evil, heaven and hell, and an interplay between divine and demonic forces. Inside the…

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An Awakening and Self-Recovery At-Hand

I just finished reading Arcady Petrov’s Save Yourself, Book 1 of the Creation of the Universe trilogy. All I can say is, “Wow!” (I just noticed that Book 2, Save The World Within You, is now available, and I’ve just placed an order for that one.) Now I want to talk about it, not pontificate, but gather together with others…

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Evaporating an Invisible Barrier to the Ideal You

Another title, Selected Lectures, by Grigori Grabovoi, is available for preorder on I have read Grabovoi’s short book, Unified System of Knowledge. While it takes some “tuning” to get acclimated to the rhythm of the translated English, it still makes a deep impression. Although I generally have time to read a few pages at a time Petrov’s 500+ page…

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Humanity to Its Own Rescue Through Information Science

Have you heard enough bad news lately? Have the experts thoroughly convinced you that we’re in over our heads and there are few places left to run? Even proponents of natural methods and modalities are convinced conditions are critical and “the fit is about to hit the shan.” Well, while the following thoughts may make you wonder what I’ve been…

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On Deaths, Delusions, and Going Nowhere for ‘The Cure’

I have received news of a number of transitions recently, passings by individuals from this world. One was the passing of Marie Litster, who illustrated my book, I Am My Body, NOT! An effervescent, warm-hearted woman with that Canadian can do spirit, her illustrations gave my book the joyful warmth that made the words magical, practical, and timeless all at…

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Timely News from a Timeless Place

The first time I learned about channeled information was in the early 1980’s, when I stumbled upon a book titled, Seth Speaks. Although Jane Roberts was the physical author, the originator of the ideas was a “non-physical entity” known as Seth. The book came into my life at a very critical time, as I grappled with this idea called death,…

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Big Lies and Subtle Balance

In this gift giving and receiving season, thoughts of what constitutes the greatest of gifts comes to mind. For an individual racked in pain, limited in mobility, with the hope realizing the life of his or her dreams waning, simply being pain free and able to once again associate with the word “health” might be better than anything from one…

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Alchemy to Fractility: A Journey Begins

SOMEWHERE in WASHINGTON — I feel a bit like Jim Humble in not wanting to divulge my exact whereabouts, yet still wanting to share. I will say that I am in the state of Washington (not the District, which technically isn’t in the United States).  Of course, being mum on a subject only increases curiosity, right? I’m doing so, not…

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First Video from Sheldan Nidle Montgomery, AL Workshop

Agarthans, Humanity’s Mentors [youtube=] I have had Sheldan Nidle as a guest on Talk For Food on several occasions. The first time was in April 2008, as one of the stops on my first seven-day “road trip” to Northern California. At the time hadn’t realized that I had actually read one of his early books, You Are Becoming a Galactic…

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Random Thoughts: Gratitude, Angel Valley, Structured Water

With this thing called life being many faceted, it’s quite possible to experience the full gamut of feelings, from profound joy and gratitude, to equally profound anguish and pain, in the course of a single day. Such are the signs of a life being lived, fully. If it is being loved fully too, then we’ve got the makings of something…

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Money Talks: Proclaims Self ‘God’ of This World

In the Bible it is written that “The love of money is the root of all evil” (1 Timothy 6:10). From many perspectives, there appears to be much truth to the adage. Yet, in The Kybalion, another book of ancient wisdom, it is written that “all truths are but half-truths.” And while the latter might appear to “dilute” the former,…

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Sheldan Nidle and Our Unfolding World: The REST of the Conversation

Here are the rest of the excerpts from the conversation I had earlier this year (2009) with Sheldan Nidle. If you’re interested in purchasing this entire conversation on DVD, feel free to contact me. Visualizing Our World After ‘First Contact’ Part 3 [ ?posts_id=2353256&dest=-1] Part 4 [ ?posts_id=2354540&dest=-1] Part 5 [ ?posts_id=2357429&dest=-1] Part 6 [ ?posts_id=2357492&dest=-1] If you’d like to…

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On a Book and a Prayer

This is one of those “one thing led to another” progressions of events. I mentioned in an earlier post about finishing up reading Gregg Braden’s, The Spontaneous Healing of Beliefs. In the last chapter he postulates that reality as we know it is very much like, and could very well be, a computer program, with you and me as both…

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